I really like this one! I may turn it into something bigger... Too bad I was so pissed and unhappy when drawing it.
My flight to San Francisco was delayed by two hours, so instead of arriving at 10pm, it would arrive at 12:20am. This meant that I would miss the last BART home, meaning I'd have to fork over a ton of money to a cab to get home. So I managed to fly standby to Oakland an hour earlier-- but since that plane was delayed, and they had to check my bag, I still managed to just barely get on the last BART home.
I got home at 1:30am and was quite tired. 17 hours on the road -- indianapolis to naperville to midway to oakland to san francisco to home... ah well.
Posting this late, since I just got back from my trip.
one of my favorites from your trip :)
Kitty Kitty
November 19, 2007 at 5:18 PM