

"Orange Explorer " - ink and watercolor on wood - 8" x 8"

"Green Explorer " - ink and watercolor on wood - 8" x 8"

"Purple Explorer " - ink and watercolor on wood - 8" x 8"

It's been a crazy busy few days... Got a lot of painting done -- here are a few more wood pieces for the show in a couple weeks!

This may be it in terms of pieces for the show... I need to start planning out how I'm going to lay it all out in the gallery space. I'll still paint and experiment and post in the meantime though =).


Four balloon pieces

Four balloons -- ink and watercolor on wood, 6" x 6" each

I finished the last two balloon pieces today, so here's the complete set! This is how they'll be displayed in the show in a couple weeks.

"Purple Balloon"

"Purple Balloon" - ink and watercolor on wood - 6" x 6"

Another balloon piece -- I'll probably do four of these for the show...

"Blue Balloon"

"Blue Balloon" - ink and watercolor on wood - 6" x 6"

I liked how "Jamie's Present" turned out so much that I wanted to make a similar piece for the solo show =).

December 6th Solo show: sideshow


flyer front

flyer back

Sweet! I finished the flyer for my upcoming solo show, "sideshow", in the Castro.

Opening reception is Saturday, December 6th, 2008 at Given.
575 Castro St. San Francisco, CA

Click through to see more details and the artist statement.

Jamie's Present

"Jamie's Present" - ink, watercolor and acrylic on wood - 8" x 8"

This is a much much belated birthday present for a friend of mine. Not going to be in the show, but I like how this turned out so much that I may do something similar =).

Ferris Wheel

"Ferris Wheel" - ink and watercolor on paper - 10" x 7"

The final piece of this series. This was fun to paint =)


"Magician" - ink and watercolor on paper - 10" x 7"

The boy meets the magician.


"Firebreather" - ink and watercolor on paper - 10" x 7"

The boy meets the firebreather...


"Strongman" - ink and watercolor on paper - 10" x 7"

The little boy continues his exploration of the circus acts... here is the strongman -- sans moustache, looking somewhat like Atlas... =)

The Bay Bridged, Volume 2

Cool! The Bay Bridged came out with their second album, a picture disc featuring the best of San Francisco Bay Area indie music.

They asked me and Nathalie Roland to contribute artwork to be printed on these discs.

I did the one on the right.

Here's what the album cover looks like:

You can find out more information about this release here:

And there's streaming audio of the whole album here:


"Puppeteer" - ink and watercolor on paper - 10" x 7"

Following the same story from yesterday's painting... the little boy walks to the next attraction in the show: a puppeteer.


"Sideshow" - ink and watercolor on paper - 10" x 7"

I stayed up way too late finishing this, but I'm so happy with the result! I tried a whole bunch of new things with this piece, and everything came together.

Huzzah! I hope you all like it =).

"Cardboard Meeting"

"Cardboard Meeting" - ink and watercolor on cardboard - 4" diameter

I found another use for my rotary cutter. I figured these might be nice... haven't figured out how they would be framed yet though. Would they look okay in a square frame? =/


"Eating" - ink, watercolor and colored pencil on wood - 5" x 5"

Another piece for the Given show. Painting at a nice clip these days =).

Gathering - Now on sale!

My second book "Gathering" is now on sale! Follow the link below to see more details =).

By Lawrence Yang

"Starry Mountain" WIP

"Starry Mountain" - WIP - ink and watercolor on paper - 7" x 10"

Starting to work on pieces destined for my December show...

"Blue Monster"

"Blue Monster" - digital

Felt like drawing something weird tonight. So here it is. =)



Our next president. If only I could have been in Grant Park to witness his acceptance speech first hand...

"Process Bot" + APE recap

"Process Bot" - digital

Cool, I haven't done one of these in a while. I think I might actually like it most at the second to last step. =P. Still need to remember when to stop, ha.

But anyway, I also wanted to do a quick recap about my weekend exhibiting at APE. (Alternative Press Expo)

1. It was huge! There were so many exhibitors, and so many things to look at. I got to roam around a little bit but I wish I could have had the whole day to poke around. Ah well, that's what happens when you have a booth I suppose.

2. I did live painting at the Gelaskins booth! They were selling their skins and prints and generally getting the word out. It was really great to finally meet the guys that I've been working with over the last year. Good folks over at Gelaskins -- you can check out their site here, and see what I did for live painting on the blog post below.

3. I met Mars-1! Or Mario, the man behind Mars-1, that is. He's a really chill guy, it was great to have a few beers with him and the Gelaskins guys after exhibiting on Saturday.

4. I was successful! I sold books, prints, buttons and cards -- but most importantly, I gave away over two hundred business cards, and have three pages filled with email addresses for my mailing list =).

5. I'm tired! This was one of those weekends where you don't really have any rest, and you start the week more tired than the end of the last one.

On that note, I'm going to head to sleep early tonight. 'Night!


"Depths" - ink and watercolor on paper - 16" x 12"

The first day of APE was today! I was at the Gelaskins booth for a good portion of the day doing some live painting. This is what came out of that -- Hopefully this will be the next piece carried by Gelaskins... we'll see =).

APE is still open tomorrow! Come by and check it out, there is a TON of really good stuff there. It's open from 11am to 6pm tomorrow, and you can find out details here.